  • I have learned to recognize the lies that I tell myself when I am faced with temptation. They are just that, LIES!  Recognize the lie, replace it with the truth and focus my attention elsewhere and it passes
Participant - Choose Freedom™ Program



Click below for 20 fun and easy ways to navigate all social situations alcohol free!

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Choose Freedom™ Program

The alcohol free coaching program that delivers 12 of the most important biblical and scientific concepts for changing your relationship with alcohol and other toxic substances


For faith based organizations, counselors and coaches who want to deliver the Choose Alcohol Free Program for their congregants or clients

12 week

Daily Devotional


Are you ready to change your relationship with alcohol and other substances?

Rose Ann Forte was, and she knew she needed an approach that was more meaningful.
And she wanted a fresh start that kept her motivated!

Live Your Best Life

Unleash The Full Power Of The Holy Spirit


Spending time in God’s Word is ALWAYS fruitful. This is the way our Lord and Savior, Jesus, speaks to us directly and plants in our hearts the truth that matters, not only now but for eternity.

You will learn that His Word is a guiding and loving instruction for how to live our lives with joy, despite circumstances. Your choices moving through the process will be powerfully made with the confidence that you are promised something better.

Hebrews 4:12 (ESV) For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and of spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


The world will have you believe that drinking alcohol is what is needed to create meaningful relationships and enjoy life. If you are reading this, then you know you have been deceived. Fill your spirit with God’s loving words and use that encouragement to change the course of your life. Use your God-given gifts to become the person you were created to be. Develop new neurological habits and experience the difference.

Romans 12:2 (ESV) Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


It becomes so much easier to make our choices moving forward when we are focused on truth in God’s word with full conviction coming from the Holy Spirit. We become less disillusioned by the ways of this world and the cunning strategies of the enemy.

1st Thessalonians 1:5 (NLT) For when we brought you the Good News, it was not only with words but also with power, for the Holy Spirit gave you full assurance that what we said was true. And you know of our concern for you from the way we lived when we were with you.

Questions You May Have

Q: What are the biggest differences between this and other programs?

A: One of the biggest differences for us is that this is a 12-week challenge.  Most faith-based programs tell you that you need to do this forever. Choose Freedom believes that this is a choice-based model. It guides you gently and lovingly through 12 weeks of freedom from alcohol using biblical wisdom, so that you can come to your own conclusion about the best way to proceed moving forward after the successful attainment of the challenge.  God gives us the ability to choose our paths and directions in everything we do, and this includes our future choices about how we use alcohol.

Q: How do I deal with the shame and guilt I have using this substance?

A: Guilt and shame are two of the biggest obstacles for dealing with this problem.   Over time, we lose integrity with our word to ourselves, with others and maybe even with God because of the many broken promises made surrounding our resolve to control our intake of a substance. We end up bullying ourselves and coincidentally, this becomes the biggest stumbling block to succeeding in our quest to change our relationship with alcohol.   These thought patterns are from the enemy and not God.  Satan’s job is to steal, kill and destroy (See John 10:10) and in this spiritual battle, he has been winning the war in your mind with shame and guilt.   The Choose Freedom program helps you develop awareness of God’s truth in love while also identifying the lie of the enemy such that we can recognize it and deal with it accordingly.

Q: I have been victimized by others. Does your program address that?

A: The sad truth is that we live in a broken world, one where unthinkable things happen to good, unsuspecting and innocent people.   Many times, a substance is used in order to deal with the pain and the trauma experienced by wounds such as neglect, rejection, abuse and the like.  If you have been victimized in the past, it is always recommended that you use a medical professional to help you with ways to overcome your past.   This program helps you with the tools necessary to put the past in the past and look forward to a future that is unencumbered by the hurts and traumas of your past.   Processing forgiveness of self and others are CORE CONCEPTS that you will learn and use so that you can live your best life moving forward.

Q: What concepts and habits do you believe are most important for success during this 12-week period?

A: Every part of this journey and challenge is created to match up with the latest scientific research involving the creation of new habits, redirection of neurological pathways and development of successful methods for personal transformation. Science is only recently confirming what God has shared with us all along with respect to living our best life and making sure that our minds are renewed and focused on Him and His Kingdom. A few of the CORE CONCEPTS and habit formation practices established in this process are through daily prayer, meditation on his Word, and gratitude for all things that are good. Additionally, documenting your journey with Him so that you can come to know truth, His truth. The curriculum established through the Choose Alcohol-Free Program includes 12 CORE CONCEPTS that are the most important ones needed to stay the course and live a life of freedom from this addictive substance.

Q: My biggest concern is in social situations. How do I manage those?

A: Bar none, this is one of the hardest parts for people in the beginning of this journey.   This is why we developed flashcards for you to download [FREE RESOURCES] when you are in social situations and don’t know how to respond with the question about why you don’t drink.   Drinking alcohol in social situation is one of the most prevalent social pressures that exist today, even for people who don’t like alcohol; however, there is an alcohol-free movement in play that empowers people to choose saying “no” to alcohol with confidence and conviction.   This process will teach you how to be in social situations and develop the confidence to choose something different while still enjoying yourself and not feeling like you are missing out on those important social engagements.

Are You Ready To

  • Change your relationship with alcohol and other toxic substances
  • Improve your health metrics
  • Have more confidence in your choices moving forward
  • Be more connected with the Holy Spirit


This journey is a journey of practice and rewiring the beautiful mind God created for each of us. He created a mind that saves us energy and remembers routine behaviors, so we don’t need to re-teach them to ourselves each time we do them. Think about how we can drive to and from work and not remember how we even got there and back to our driveway. Think about the routine you do before you go to bed at night. There isn’t much thought put into these things because it’s the perfect energy-saving mechanism designed by our Creator.

When we allow sinful practices to enter our daily routines, those perfect energy-saving pathways are also engaged, except this time the consequences can be harmful instead of helpful.

Psalm 139:14 (NKJV) I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well

Why Should I Choose Freedom?

The methodology for this approach is time-tested using God’s Word and confirmed with the latest science available regarding how to change neurological pathways and mindset around alcohol or other substances.  In other words, the science and the process confirms God’s Word in transforming your mind. Instead of being a victim to your circumstances, you can develop a means to find truth in your circumstances and make choices based on those truths. In the end, you will access a new set of tools for your toolbox which will empower you to choose a path that allows you to live your best life and experience the freedom that was always intended for you by our Heavenly Father.


Rose Ann is available to share her story of complete transformation and the renewal of her mind.


The impact of regaining hours in a day is life-changing. No more hours of wasted time using a substance, recovering from it, or thinking about how to stop using it. This is the time you get to think about all of the things that you’d love to do but didn’t have time for. It will also be a great time to develop daily habits to spend time with God in gratitude and relationship. You will develop listening to His voice through your time in this devotional and feel connected to the Holy Spirit like you hadn’t experienced in the past when alcohol was in the way.

Christian Substance-Free Program

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The Book

Award winning daily devotional to help you put alcohol and other toxic substances to the side for 12 consecutive weeks with the scientific principles behind rewiring your habits using God’s foundational principles to renew your mind


The Program

This program is a self-guided Alcohol and Substance Free Coaching program that delivers the 12 most important CORE CONCEPTS for winning the war in your mind, even if you’ve tried and failed hundreds of times in the past.

Podcast Cover

The Podcast

Say Goodbye and Imagine Podcast. Stories, lessons and learnings to inspire you

Can Words Create Stigma? Part 1

Natalie, like the other 29 million people (about the population of Texas) in the US (NIH, Alcohol Use Disorder In The US), found herself turning to alcohol more often than she cared to, and her drinking was starting to cause problems in her life. It just seemed like...


People want to go alcohol free for many reasons. Hangovers, financial troubles, relationship woes, and health concerns all come to mind as solid grounds to put a compulsive drinking habit aside. Yet, after successfully going alcohol free, many realize later that a...


Many give up alcohol or another substance during Dry January or Lent, only to look forward to partaking on Day 32 or Day 41, respectively. They soon realize that the old operating system is back in play shortly after reaching for that drink again. Scientific research indicates that on average, it takes over two months, to create new habits. Twelve weeks is the amount of time needed to see true transformation in thought and action. The body experiences homeostasis in approximately 30 days and can enjoy life without the need for a substance. The body is capable of naturally producing the perfect amount of dopamine for that “just right” high in the activity one is engaged in.

During this twelve-week period, you are not just removing a substance. You are learning to forgive yourself and others and learning to love and appreciate the person you were created to be. The time frame is ample enough to experience true transformative thinking and provides a solid foundation for developing great habits and a meaningful relationship with Jesus.

Hear from Our Clients

The program is grounding me and I easily put alcohol to the side after committing to the program and following the guidelines….My life has changed to a more centered way of living, and from there I make healthy choices…

I am calmer, clear, have energy and most importantly, have found a connection with God that awakened inside of me and has given me purpose in this journey to live the life that I am meant to live.

Amy M

This process brings the power of faith to the table. I can honestly say that I am a changed person because of it!

Char M

I have tried almost everything in order to get sober and stay sober with little or no success. This inspirational program has kept me sober, enhanced my relationship with God, and has filled my soul with the Holy Spirit. Thanks to this program I am free of the chains of alcohol that kept me tied down for so many years.

John B