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Can Words Create Stigma? Part 1

Natalie, like the other 29 million people (about the population of Texas) in the US (NIH, Alcohol Use Disorder In The US), found herself turning to alcohol more often than she cared to, and her drinking was starting to cause problems in her life. It just seemed like...

Can Words Create Stigma? Part 1

Natalie, like the other 29 million people (about the population of Texas) in the US (NIH, Alcohol Use Disorder In The US), found herself turning to alcohol more often than she cared to, and her drinking was starting to cause problems in her life. It just seemed like...

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People want to go alcohol free for many reasons. Hangovers, financial troubles, relationship woes, and health concerns all come to mind as solid grounds to put a compulsive drinking habit aside. Yet, after successfully going alcohol free, many realize later that a...

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If you find yourself questioning your decision to go alcohol-free, let this article be a helpful reminder of why you are doing your body, soul, mind, and LIFE a considerable favor. Or, even better, let this article be the inspirational jumping point for you to take...

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Choose Alcohol-Free Program

The alcohol free coaching program that delivers 12 of the most important biblical and scientific concepts for changing your relationship with alcohol

12 week Daily Devotional


Are you ready to change your relationship with alcohol?

Rose Ann Forte was, and she knew she needed an approach that was more meaningful.
And she wanted a fresh start that kept her motivated!

Listen to The Podcast

Say Goodbye And Imagine

Stories and interviews to help you understand what’s possible when you remove a toxic substance from your life.


For faith based organizations, counselors and coaches who want to deliver the Choose Alcohol Free Program for their congregants or clients.

Hear from Our Clients

The program is grounding me and I easily put alcohol to the side after committing to the program and following the guidelines….My life has changed to a more centered way of living, and from there I make healthy choices…

I am calmer, clear, have energy and most importantly, have found a connection with God that awakened inside of me and has given me purpose in this journey to live the life that I am meant to live.

Amy M

This process brings the power of faith to the table. I can honestly say that I am a changed person because of it!

Char M

I have tried almost everything in order to get sober and stay sober with little or no success. This inspirational program has kept me sober, enhanced my relationship with God, and has filled my soul with the Holy Spirit. Thanks to this program I am free of the chains of alcohol that kept me tied down for so many years.

John B