5 Life-Changing Steps to Master Emotions with Cynthia Gene

Self Discovery: How Gratitude Transforms Lives

EP 28 – Today’s guest is Erika Kelly, and her story is going to interest you because it isn’t the typical one. Erika grew up in a safe and almost idyllic home, one that’s described by her as from the Nick at Night show. She was raised in the church and found comfort and faith in Jesus at an early age. Despite not having a tragic or traumatic upbringing, Erika’s unique story has shaped her into the person she is today. Self Discovery and gratitude led to a transformed life.

In this episode, we delve deep into the theme of self discovery, exploring how Erika’s journey reflects the power of self discovery. From her personal life, including family, career, and passions, to the struggles she faced as an athlete with performance anxiety, self discovery played a crucial role in understanding her identity.

The conversation touches on Erika’s battle with alcohol, highlighting how recognizing the problem was a pivotal moment in her self discovery. Quitting alcohol not only impacted her life but also the lives of her family, revealing the interconnectedness of relationships and self discovery.

As we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on drinking habits, we explore how this period became a catalyst for self discovery and growth. Erika shares her insights on rebuilding her life, marriage, and health, emphasizing that self discovery often requires confronting difficult truths about oneself.

In the latter part of the episode, we dive into the surprising age reversal after quitting alcohol, illustrating the positive physical and mental health outcomes that stem from a journey of self discovery. We also touch on the interplay between alcohol, mental health, and stress, reinforcing how self discovery can lead to healthier choices.

The episode concludes with a powerful message about finding strength in gratitude, showing how self discovery is not just about recognizing our flaws but also about appreciating the journey and the people who support us.

In this podcast, we invite you to step into a world where freedom from the psychological slavery of alcohol and other substances isn’t just a dream—it’s a reality. Through the power of shared stories and unfolding faith, God reveals the amazing gifts and promises waiting for us all when we stop drinking or remove something toxic from our lives.

Through Say Goodbye And Imagine, you are invited into a Christian community where triumph over alcohol or other substances is not only possible… it’s happening every day through faith and the power of God’s Word! Feel a profound connection with others who have walked the same rocky path yet found solid ground by putting biblically-based principles and God at the center of their journey to freedom.

Imagine replacing the weight of guilt and isolation with the lightness of grace and companionship through a shared Christian community seeking alcohol freedom. Through the testimony of our podcast community, you can discover how the Holy Spirit moves powerfully in the lives of those who have surrendered their struggles and embraced a journey of true transformation with God at the helm.

Witness the transformative power of Jesus Christ while you gain insight into the lies of the enemy. Through each episode, you’ll be equipped with biblically based strategies that others have used to prioritize their spiritual well-being and expose the lies embedded in a toxic habit that is also trying to control your life. Ultimately, each episode guides you to a place where being alcohol-free is just the beginning of your newfound freedom—showing you the amazing world of promise and possibility through God’s grace when alcohol is successfully set aside.

Say Goodbye And Imagine shares the firsthand victories of those who have broken free from the psychological slavery of alcohol or other substances. Our greatest hope is to share these stories of triumph so you can draw inspiration and courage from their stories. But our podcast doesn’t just offer hope—it showcases the real, tangible outcomes of lives transformed by faith and the collective strength of a community that believes in second chances.

Warning: our Say Goodbye And Imagine podcast is a little different. We don’t use words that create shame or a negative identity. So, in our podcast, we don’t use vocabulary like alcoholic or alcoholism, alcohol addiction or alcohol recovery, recovery or recovering, sober or sobriety, addict or addiction, powerless or powerlessness, and other words that take away our identity in God. Since we are remade in the image of God, we seek an identity that is empowering through Him. Although we respect and honor groups like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), Celebrate Recovery, and sober rehabilitation centers, our topics tend to be very individual, focusing on the unique journey of each participant.

If you desire to quit drinking or have been searching for ways to reconnect with God, then please tune in. Hear the amazing success stories of Christians just like you who decided to choose freedom from alcohol or other substances. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Rose Ann Forte is the host of Say Goodbye and Imagine. Rose Ann had reached a point in her own life when she realized that alcohol was stealing from her and understood that God had a much better plan for her. Today she is the bestselling author of The Plans He has for Me Daily Devotional. Through her podcast, blog articles, books, public speaking, Choose Freedom Program, YouTube and TikTok videos, and Choose Freedom coaching and church mentor programs, Rose Ann loves to share her experience of transformation with others and discuss the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s foundational principles behind renewing your mind.

Mark’s Resources – 

Website: https://courses.freedom-for-life.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedForLife/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_freedomforlife_/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw1A7tteCrpLj_d9ejzDWRg
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mark-collins-freedom-for-life


Forgiveness & Renewal https://theplanshehasforme.com/2024/03/26/forgiveness-5-easter-messages-to-renew-your-alcohol-free-journey/

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